Can You Donate Old Laptops? Where and How – Free Collection London
In this day and age of recycling and repurposing, there are even more reasons to donate your laptop or PC to a charitable cause. As the first choice for many electronic donations in London, In this article, we’re going to look at where you can donate your Laptops and tablets, how to do it and why its a great idea – along with what happens to it.
First of all, here’s the quick answer so you can get going with your donation. Then we’ll dive into some details.
Can you donate old laptops? You can donate old laptops and PCs. You may think they are too old to use, but it’s worth asking. If they’re usable, then they can be collected directly from your home or work at no cost to you. Save yourself a trip to the recycling centre and ask to donate your unwanted or old laptop of PC.
First of all, we applaud you for wanting to not only help those who need your support but for also thinking of the environment and the potential landfill and recycling costs. Not to mention the hassle of taking your unwanted PCs and Laptops to the Household refuge sites.
Helping the environment
In London alone, according to a government report in 2016 …“37 per cent of Londons Municipal waste was sent to landfill or incineration. The remaining 11 per cent was managed through other sorting and treatment methods. London needs to increase its recycling rate”.
The government is working to reduce this recycling figure still further, and we can all still play our part. But many unwanted PCs, tablets and laptops are still in good condition and usable, even TV’s up to 10 years old are still working well. Some items are just unwanted or unused but still hold value in terms of their potential use to those who need access to electronics.
Why donate your laptops to charity?
Donating your unwanted electronic items such as laptops, notebooks and tablets, can help to make a difference in the lives of children and their families who are in need of support.
Here at Little Lives in London, we work constantly with local authorities to identify any children that are in need of electronic devices to help with their studies and to enhance their lives. This could be laptops, tablets, PCs and even phones.
Items that are not in a suitable condition to be donated to children we then sell to raise funds for our campaigns. Click here to read about our most recent campaigns and find out how Little Lives aims to improve the living situations for many children and families in London.
How do I donate my laptop or tablet?
This is the easy part, here at Little lives, we have three main branches around London. From there we send out our volunteers to collect any unwanted laptops, tablets, desktop PCs and other equipment.
We provide a completely free collection service. All you need to do is fill in the form below. Or put in a quick call to any of our branches and we’ll arrange a suitable time and day for you that we can collect it on. Or, you can just send an email and we’ll respond to it as quickly as possible!
Where do I donate my laptop or tablet?
We focus mainly on the London area for collections, whether that’s inner or outer London. We try to keep our carbon footprint down! But if you have a number of items, then we’ll consider travelling further. We have a number of branches and a team of helpful volunteers placed all over London who are happy to collect your unwanted laptops, tablets and other electronics for donating.
Just fill in the quick form below, where we usually respond within an hour! Or put in a simple email request here to us, or call your local branch if that’s easier. Then, we will gladly make all the arrangements with you and at a time and date that’s convenient for you.
How does my laptop or tablet help?
Our aim in London is to create a transformation within the home of as many children as possible. According to an Ofcom 2017 report, “Only one in five children aged 3-4 (21%) have their own tablet … one in three for 5-7s (35%), and to around half of all 8-11s (52%) and 12-15s (55%).”
That means that many young children today still do not have access to modern devices. Desktop PC ownership has also declined in recent years because of more portable devices.
There is a surprising number of students who are unable to forward their education and have access to the world of knowledge afforded by a computer, simply because they do not have sufficient access to one.
This is where we do our best to make a difference. The equipment that you provide to us that can still be reused is donated to children who need access to this kind of equipment.
This is just one of the ways in which we can help young people and families. We run numerous campaigns that help. We aid in bringing much-needed disability equipment to those in need, we help families suffering through hard times and in need of home refurbishments. Right through to local community project funding and free access to exercise for children who need it.
We are a charitable organization with a multitude of aims to help many many people, your donations, and your electronic equipment donations around London help us make children’s and families live happier lives!
What if my laptop or tablet is too old?
It’s hard for you to know whether your laptop or tablet might be too old for someone else to use, but we’d really like to make that decision. So regardless of the age of your unit. It’s best to contact us so we can assess the usability.
In most cases, we collect the unit anyway. Because any items that we think are not in a suitable enough condition to be donated to children are then sold to help us raise much-needed funds for our campaigns. Click here to read about our most recent campaign and find out how Little Lives aims to improve the living situation of a Wandsworth family.
What electronic items can I donate?
It doesn’t stop at tablets, laptops or desktops. We collect a whole range of units that we can either use within our little lives campaigns, or that we can sell for a small sum to add to our funds – which we then use to help little lives that need it!
We collect any of the following unwanted items, if it’s still working then we will be interested in collecting it. If there are any restrictions we’ll be happy to let you know – but we have very open minds! Just fill in the quick form below.
- Flat-screen TV’s (up to 10 years old and working)
- DVD Players, Home Cinemas, Game consoles
- Desktop Computers, Laptops, Tablets (all data securely erased in line with privacy laws)
- iPods, Hi-fi Systems
- Smart Phones
- Cameras
Sadly we cannot accept white goods at this time. But we are interested in any of the above items you may have.
So finally…
You’ll be pleased to know that you can donate, laptops, PCS, tablets, TVs and other electronic equipment. What’s more, your donated items are going towards really worthwhile causes, and not into some landfill …at least not before we’ve got as much use out of them as possible!
For more information you can always…
Use the form below or book your collection here
Call us at one of our branches
Make a donation to our funds
Or why not get involved and help us.
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